Program Application

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    This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

    Conversion action Online purchase with processed valid payment
    Cookie days 30 days
    Commission type Flat Rate
    Base commission ₤0.50
    Additional terms our cookie days is 30. This means once the person clicks a link and adds items to cart they have 30 days to make the purchase in order for you to recieve your commission.
    We sell fine costume jewellery at the lowest prices guaranteed. Each piece of our jewellery has been hand crafted for a remarkable finish. We are also the proud sponsors of the UKBloggers website.

    Our affiliate programme is a great way to send traffic from your blog to our website and in return earn money every time someone from your blog makes a purchase on our website. To help boost the chances of them making a purchase we can offer great ads and offer you a chance to review new peices, just let us know if you want to get involved. 
    once you sign up you will be issued with an ad to publish on your website/blog and a custom link to you with the image ad.
    if you have any questions you can reach us at [email protected]